Our women's ministry exists to equip women to connect with each other and with God. We offer various groups and gatherings designed to strengthen faith and foster friendships. 

Women’s Bible Study

We hold three women's Bible study sessions throughout the year. These Bible studies are held from 9:30-11:30am on Tuesdays mornings. More information will be shared soon about our fall study!


MomCo (Moms Community) and Moms Next is a group for moms of preschool through school aged children who meet together to support, love on and learn from one another.

We welcome all moms interested in fellowship, new friends, Friday morning brunch, field trips, and moms nights out to register now.

If you or your child have any food allergies, please include that information under the "medical" section within each registration type.

Please email nccmops@nampaccn.com with any questions or to inquire about scholarships.

IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS: Please register your child or children when filling out the registration form. If your child's name does not appear immediately on the home page, select "Add Someone Else", fill out their info, and register them as a "Child Registration" in the dropdown menu.

Pure Desire Women's Group

This is a group specifically for women who are experiencing hurts as a result of brokenness in the areas of purity and relationships. Their healing comes from understanding the impact of trauma, establishing healthy boundaries, exploring the depth of forgiveness, and learning to live in restoration. 

Please text Barbara Ralphs at 208-899-7351 if you're interested in joining this group.

Discipleship Pastor